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Women's cycling event: the 2024 HIVE RIDE


Wir sind so aufgeregt, unser drittes Frauen-Radsport-Event zu veranstalten: die Hive Ride!

In diesem Jahr werden unsere Guides ein Kletter- und Abfahrts-Clinic leiten, um dir zu helfen, deine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, und dich dann auf zwei Fahrten durch die wunderschönen Schweizer Straßen rund um Sarnen OW (direkt mit dem Zug erreichbar) führen. Neben der Entdeckung neuer Straßen, hier ist, was du bei der Hive Ride erwarten kannst:


Check-in 8:30 - 9:00

  • Anmelden, Kaffee holen, Goodybag abholen, umziehen, kurz die Toilette aufsuchen, Flaschen auffüllen und deine Tasche sicher bei uns abgeben.

Climbers Delight Clinic 9:00 - 10:00

  • Unsere Guides (DE, FR, EN) leiten einen Workshop, in dem du deine Kletter- und Abfahrtsfähigkeiten auf kurvigen Straßen üben kannst.

10:00 - 12:00 Ride #1

  • Ca. 40 km und 600 hm

12:00 - 14:00 Mittagspause

  • Veganes Pastamenü von Pastarazzi

  • Tolle Preise von unseren Sponsoren

  • Präsentation eines besonderen Gastes

  • Gelegenheit, Canyon-Räder zu testen und sogar eine Runde zu drehen, wenn du möchtest!

14:00 - 16:00 Ride #2

  • Ca. 40 km und 800 hm

Abschied um 16:00

  • Umarmungen zum Abschied

  • Erinnerungen und großartige Fotos, die ein Leben lang halten


I've never been part of a group ride before, can I still join?

This event is intended for women with who have some experience cycling and would like to improve their skills, connect with other women, explore new roads, win prizes and eat great pasta BUT previous experience riding in a group is not required. If you don't feel super comfortable, we recommend you chose the 18kmph group when signing up as these groups will likely be divided into smaller sizes.

What speed will the rides be?

What language is spoken during the event?

What if I only have a gravel bike?

What's the deal with Canyon?

Can I come without a bike and just test a Canyon?

Can I do just the morning ride?

Are there vegan options at lunch?

Why do I need a ticket?

What if I can't come, will I get a refund?

What if I get lost?

What kind of prizes can I get excited about?

What if the weather sucks?

What do I need to bring with me?


Okay, I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it feels to have people believe in us and our vision of a future where every woman can proudly say "I'm a cyclist". Every contribution, big or small, fuels our fire and generates an unstoppable momentum for this community!

Thank you Canyon - for believing in the importance of inspiring women to ride

Thank you React - for literally keeping our vision clear and eyes on the adventure

Thank you Intercycle - for sharing your passion and muc-off, transbag and camelbak brands

Thank you PeakPunk - for fuelling our rides #nobullshit

Thank you Vivikola - for keeping our souls quenched

Thank you Dirtysox - for helping us express ourselves

And of course our service providers:

Thank you Pastarazzi - for the carbs and cooking with heart

Thank you KaffeKranz - for the caffeine and love

For other women's events #fastandfemaleSUI is a great resource, we suggest you check out their great selection of offers throughout the year -- you can also use the find a group page to find some fun cycling groups near you!



Kontaktiere uns


Stoke GmbH

Käppeli 1

6370 Oberdorf NW


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