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Updated: Mar 23, 2022

Last night a badass group of Swiss local girls who ride met @ Kaffee Kranz in Luzern to chat about their favourite pair of shorts. We threw our shorts on the table, passed them around and discussed what elements we love and laughed about the things we hate. Below are some of our conclusions. Agree or disagree? Add your voice to the conversation via this survey here.

First things first,

all women prefered shorts with suspenders

We found that shorts without suspenders are subject to 3 main shortcomings:

  1. they tend to slide down

  2. they tend to dig into your gut and make you uncomfortable or feel roll-y

  3. they don't protect a sweaty low back in cooler conditions

a lioness doesn't wear diapers

Sometimes the shammy pad feels like a diaper and that doesn't make us feel powerful. Though we saw that there are a lot of different pads out there, we could all agree on a few important elements that the dream pad should have:

  1. ventilation - a must for sweaty fierce ladys (talking about your downstairs lady)

  2. a soft cushion (duh)

  3. the right shape - a lot of pads tend to go to wide beyond the saddle width and cause chaffing

  4. flexible instead of too constructed is often better, since every lady is unique

tight, but not too tight

Typical goldilocks, always looking for that dream medium amount! We found this rule applied itself to the cuff at the bottom of the shorts and also the material.


  • when cuffs are too tight at the bottom they are uncomfortable and create a sausage effect on our powerful legs

  • too loose and they flap around in the wind!


  • when the material is too tight or thick it feels like a pair of jeans after Christmas eve dinner, you can't move, it leaves rolls in all the wrong places and just isn't helping anyone

  • too thin and you are showing everyone you bum crack or lacking support where you might need it

The judges are still undecided on:

- colour

- waistline (high rise, bellybutton height, etc)

- and how to manage the suspender + boobs conundrum

We need your voice!

Have something you can contribute, expertise, experiences, photos of you rocking your favourite pair? Please fill out this form or get in touch with us for more.



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