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Sexual health and cycling: Our most important topic yet

In preparation for our Velos, Vulvas and Vaginas event, Dr. Giulia and I sat down to dive deep into the topic of female sexual health and cycling.

I'll be honest, there were moments during this chat that I felt a little dumb... or naive.. things that I NEVER thought of before -- for example it's crazy to think that it took me until my 33rd birthday to learn to NOT wash my vulva with soap! This recording was truly a discussion where we got to explore our curiosity, consider why things are the way they are (taboos and cultural norms, like shaving our pubic region for example) and I'm so grateful for the safe space and the really informative discussion we had. Chatting with Dr. Giulia changed my perspective on my vulvular and vaginal health and also, importantly, what sex can be and how it can be compatible with cycling rather than a pressure or a pain.

Key points of discussion:

  • the pudendal nerve -- numbness or "electrical" type pain as a redflag the importance of a good saddle and a good fitting

  • blood profusion and the pelvic floor

  • friction and bartholin gland inflammation

  • shaving, chammy cream and soaps

  • sex hormones after cycling

  • redefining sexual pleasure after cycling

  • getting to know our bodies better, evolving and connecting to our our sexual experience

  • pain during cycling or sex is not okay

  • communicating with our partners, listening to our bodies

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